
Let's Honk About It

This is the newsletter that talks about all things perception.

Currently this project is still in progress, but you can listen to the first episode right now by calling +(641) 715-3900 and type in '955071#' when prompted for the extension, and if you live in America.

Click an episode below to see its synopsis and play the audio on the right. A transcription will be provided as well.

Currently I'm still building the player and transcript, but this is what we have for now. Still learning more HTML, CSS, Javascript + GitHub and I hope to make a cool live-transcript!

👋 Episode 1: The Introduction

Recorded on December 13, 2023

Listen as I ramble about what this format's about, why I chose it, who I am, as well as what I've been up to since graduating in June 2023. In sum, you find out that I like to talk. Quite a bit, really.

☝️ Episode 2: The Real First Episode

Recorded on still re-recording lol

No idea, but I've talked about it before, maybe.

The Introduction


Might have some errors, transcribed by Otter.ai

Hi, um, my voice might be kind of shrill.

But let's honk about it so don't really know what this is gonna be about.

I think I was thinking about it last night made, like the image tiles branding. *blows raspberry* I don't know. Yesterday and yeah, I think the what's what's the thematic? What are you getting into? Who am I? Well, what's goin' on here. Yeah, let's talk about it is it's about perception. And I felt like perception was the best way to surmise everything into a singular word, but still talk about everything I like. So what do I mean by that?

This can be about design, approach to content, but also just being creative, but also my underdog or my, my side, interpretation bit here again, interpretation, perception kind of go hand in hand, is in a language and just conversation and like the tonality of things. This is me talking, as someone with a BA in linguistics in Asian languages and cultures, like I love to talk. I love language, and I love how language is interpreted.

I'm, I get confused for an English major every now and then I don't I don't think it would have been a great one. But uh, yeah. So we're talking about perception in general. So I'm going to keep this pretty brief as an introductory. What's this about? Yeah. So maybe bring on people every now and then talking about their thoughts, their approach, what they're honking about in terms of the perception of today's creative consumer culture or creativity? Consumption, right. Lots of see words, alliteration, you know, um, yeah, I don't have anything particular I could talk about, like, design trends are people's approach to design what they're inspired by. Um, but I also got off of doing my morning pages this morning.

And I was like, I'm in between a lot of things like, so in fact, I actually put out a poll. Yesterday, I was like, Wait, am I am I a designer? Am I an illustrator? Or I some sort of general creative? Or like, how would you describe me, and I've been fortunate to receive some nice alternatives, as well as some other. Just like, I guess I am a general creative, I don't like to restrict myself to only doing one kind of work. I like learning a lot, like learning about design systems, and workflows and prototypes, which sounds very product up. But I don't want to work in the product space. I love making brands, I love telling stories. I love creating bright and fun things. I'm very selfish. Actually, I like making things for myself. I'm also like, I've been learning how to code recently. So I can make the kind of interaction or the kind of interactivity experiences that I've always wanted to manipulate, if you will.

So I've drawn forever, I've drawn for as long as I can remember, to be honest, I actually had a background in fine art, first, and traditional Fine Arts. And then I kind of moved into the digital realm a little bit, I've been pretty slow. Like, on a general scale, I would say that like, so I'm 23 I think we're compared to my peers. I'm still like figuring myself I've tried so long, five years to figure myself out. And it is, it's a lot. It's a lot of work. It's a lot of trying to do things. And I'm just trying to share this is how I perceive the world instead of like everyone talking about the fear of being perceived. I think just like anything, you should take on your fears head first. That's how the phrase goes. And yeah, we're gonna, we're gonna honk about it. We'll talk about it. Yeah.

So honk, let's honk about it is a podcast newsletter story? I don't know. Again, I don't really like categorizing things. I don't like putting labels on it not because I think it's more due to the fact that when you put labels on something, we put a genre on something, people start to expect it to be within its boundaries, people expect to contain it in that box into that label. And that's just not how things are. I mean, I feel like spectrum is such a good word for so many things nowadays, right? Like regarding mental health, ADHD and autism as well as just having general gender fluidity as if you Do your self can be presented fluidly based on how you perceive as a neurodivergent.

Or even in how you identify yourself, and how you feel your most genuine, authentic self. I feel like your work and the outlet you have, should be able to have the same capabilities, if not more flexibility, since it's not even human, if you will. Of course, like of course, like the work you put out is humanistic because it has your human touch, supposedly. AI is a whole jar of beans bag of beans, I don't know how the phrase goes. Try and use a lot of idioms here. But yeah. So yeah, I guess I'm a general creative. I know some people don't like that word. I don't really enjoy that term myself. But I think it is the best way to kind of actually exemplify, share, simplify. I'm just saying words, words, words are all made up. And, yeah, I don't think I'm a musician, but I would love to learn how to make music.

I wouldn't consider myself a coder. But I do like to dabble in a bit of the JavaScript and HTML CSS I've been doing lately, although there aren't too hard. Fortunately, for me, I just like learning. I also, like, currently, for those of you who do know me, personally, I love learning languages. My French is really bad. My Japanese is also very bad. My Korean comprehension is pretty decent, though. But I also love learning about different languages and cultures and seeing how those different things are able to influence me. I'm a big fan of Korean graphic design, as well as Japanese graphic design and just general behavioral, I guess, design thinking in those cultures again, like I, I don't think I really am a singular entity. Like, I only use the word designer, because society has given me that term. And I don't know how else to use it. I spend a lot of time not knowing what I am.

And I think so I was at a webinar a few weeks back, and I was like, it'd be great if you knew how, like, like, like, what you are exactly like, what am I getting into, but I think it's totally fair, if you're selling yourself to hiring managers, or to people looking to employ you at their agency or at their creative studio, or at their company, or whatever. Right? And, yeah, that's totally true. Because in that position, you are marketing yourself as a product A, an asset to the company, right? Like, how am I able to support you? How am I able to, I don't know, provide my skills, my features. So again, if I'm talking about myself as an object as a product, right, a product for this company, and why they should invest in me right? Now, we're getting into some business talk here. But that's beside the point. Metaphorically speaking, we're all assets, right?

And I hate that. I hate that so much. I hate the idea of being an asset to someone, like, I am my own person, I, all I want to do is defy, I want to create anarchy, I wanna just be the weirdest in most authentic version of myself. That is not perfect. That is allowed to experiment and make failures and be a very controlled yet spontaneous version of myself. And that's something I had to learn a lot more about, like this year, full transparency.

At this moment of this recording, I am unemployed. No surprises there. However, are you like, Oh, don't you need to get a job? Like, why don't you work at like, I don't know, the grocery store anything. And there don't get me wrong. I probably should. I'm pretty broke, actually. But I'm fortunate that I have access to tools, some, some subscriptions I have yet to expire, if you will, with those student discounts and whatnot. And, you know, I'm making the most out of it, doing what I can using a lot of open source and free tools. There's a lot out there.

Such as I've been bettering myself with Blender. Visual Studio code is free. figma is still free considering that I am a Google certificate student. Which reminds me I should probably go back to that course for UX again, I don't want to be a UX UI designer, which is the path that seems to be the most paved out for me in this moment in time, if not otherwise, in general, graphic designer who I don't dislike the idea being but again, it's this label these labels the perception of these labels as soon as I say graphic design Diversity UX UI designer, one of the first things that will probably come up in your mind, again, upon perceiving these titles and roles is, oh, how much money they make, or oh, this person is more in the tech realm or this person is more of a oh, they're like a more creative, more wacky person, like you have a version like like, we are all not to say prejudiced, but we are all, we all have these images, we all have these little semiotic meanings, right?

In our mind. And I don't know, I want to I want to be a wildcard, I want to be your own reverse card. I don't want to, I don't want it. Okay, I keep talking about what I want. That's because I'm making this podcast or whatever, or this newsletter, this storytelling, whatever thoughts and vibes this medium this modality, right? I'm making it so I can talk about what I want to talk about without worrying about moderators, or anything else.

Because I'm the one moderating my own content. I'm the one who is in control of what I put out. But also, yeah, I love what I learned about also during my undergrad with my minor in digital humanities, how we have gaps and silences. So in this way, I am also portraying a very specific version of myself, it is important to have a disclaimer, like, I don't think I'm a villain, as far as I'm concerned. Okay, now, I'm, like, really thrown out a really big picture here. But going back to perception, right? Perception is so interesting.

I also think it's a really funny alternative, or a much more, I guess, sophisticated sounding alternative to the word opinion. Because everyone has so many different opinions. And I think most people I have befriended for the most part, we share a lot of the same opinions, but I won't say we agree entirely on everything, like some people definitely have a greater partiality love that I can make up words to I don't think it's a real word to just how content is being made, but also how they used to live their lives.

And I don't know, I think that I am always dancing between being like, totally like, on par for the path that was paved for me, but also, like, I just want to completely fall off the cliff and just kind of see where this takes me. I don't know what this is. I don't know where it'll go. And I think I think that's okay. Uncertainty is important. Knowing having going into the unknown, right, is important. Yeah.

So that's why we're here to talk about it. Because I don't know what the heck is going on, right? I don't know. It's fun. So we're going to talk about it. Because the important thing, like I guess, I mentioned at the beginning was, if you don't know, if you're scared of stuff, or you're fearing, you have a fear of being perceived, or perception or whatnot, right. You should always talk about it.

Talking about things, feeling things, writing them out, just getting your feelings out to some ether. So right now, my, my talking into the ether, right? Is this modality, this this audio quality? Yeah. So that's, that's trying to keep these brief, not making them too long. Making them like something you can listen to while you wash the dishes. But it's not something like, you're gonna like sit down and like watch for two hours.

Well, I don't know if I'll have my camera on at any point. But nonetheless, yeah. So in some, I guess this is about perception, whether it be about perception about content creation, whether it should be about perception about just the general design field in a very broad sense, whether it be graphic print editorial, more illustrative, UX tech, otherwise, code technologists, but also my other side piece or the other interesting, which is on language, and just how we interact with the world and more social and socio cultural sense, which I think is really important because everything is intertwined.

Everything is intermingled and everything is intersectional. Like that, just that's just how the world is right. Yeah. So thank you, for anyone who's listened all the way to the end. I really appreciate appreciate you and if you haven't know me in real life, feel free to give me a direct face to face one on one comment and be like, Hey, that was really honkin bad that you said all those things. And I apologize and I go this is this is most raw and uh, I suppose authentic version of me at this moment in time, as of December 13 2023. Bye!