

squiggle club

Squiggle club is a digital sketchbook that aims to promote experimentation and failure with casual community conversations. There is some direction for the project at this time, but it is grounded in simplicity, casualness, and wholesome exchanged with the self and community.

This projects is entirely built by hand through lots of learning of HTML, CSS, JS (p5.js), and pixel art. Community members are capable of sharing sketchbook pages to peers and can submit pages to a year-long skethbook wrap-up that can be shared.

Take a peek!
let's honk about it

An audio-based newsletter that is seemingly more podcast than newsletter with an emphasis on perception. Its use of the term "perception" is broad and is not limited to design, art, content creation, internet topics, and language.

Friends are invited to join in on these thoughts, and can be listened or read via the bonk.studio site or through a hotline that updates with the most recent episode upon calling. Currently under construction.

little game

Not too sure what kind of game, but would love to create a narrative platformer of some kind. As a big fan of click and point games, this would probably be along these lines. If not a more educational game as someone looking to work and make for EdTech.

Who knows, could be a little brain game or a language learning game. But little, nonetheless.

interactive essay

It wouldn't be a twine or a visual novel sort of story, but something very script-heavy? Would like to do some meta work.

It's not really a priority at this time.

caffeine garden

Making some work with a friend. Sorry, plural. Friends. May sell some stuff. Bought a domain. Started off as a secret shop, it's becoming something else...

omg physical art!